Since becoming a mother, I have spent many of the past 14 Christmases trying to cultivate perfect memories. Decorating the perfect tree, finding the perfect presents, cooking the perfect meal, and taking the perfect family photo. I used to think the magic was the “experience” I could provide for those that I loved.
Somewhere in those 14-years, perfection has gone out the window. Still frozen turkeys, quickly forgotten presents, sickness instead of health, rain instead of snow, empty chairs at the dinner table once occupied by loved ones and the 60 minute rush of Christmas morning ending sooner and sooner these days.
Christmas just feels different.
The bittersweet of aging parents, growing children and fleeting memories seems an affront to my best laid plans for the perfect Christmas. If I could just bottle it up and hold them close. If I could just turn back the clock or slow it all down somehow. If I could have recognized then how blessed and grateful I am for every single moment.
As I’ve been forced to slow down, I’ve started to notice the places where the magic really lies. The magic of Christmas is in the joy of the little moments. Those things that are unplanned. It’s in the silence. It’s in the light shining through the darkness. It’s the smell of coffee and cinnamon rolls before the world wakes up. It’s the sounds of your kids singing Christmas carols in the kitchen. It’s in the hugs from parents and laughter of family over silly gifts and inappropriate jokes. It’s in the gift that was made, not bought. It’s in the mounds of wrapping paper from a yet to be cleaned living room. It’s the last minute menu changes because something goes wrong. It’s in the “thank you’s” and the “I love you’s” and the passing wink of a loved one to tell you they are thankful for just being in your presence. The magic of Christmas is in the birth of a tiny baby who has perfect love for all of us.
Rest in that today, dear friends. Soak in the moments. Find peace in the solitude. Find joy in the chaos. And never doubt for a second that Jesus loves you—just the way you are.
Merry Christmas!
Love and Light,